To support the children in their wonderings and scaffold their research we raced around and gathered the resources we thought the children would need to answer their question. A big "A-ha" for us now, as we sit to reflect and write this post, was that we should have included the children in brainstorming possible resources. If we truly are teaching life-long learners, then we need to teach them HOW to find the information they need to answer their question. Old habits die hard! We were just so quick to provide them with all the tools that they needed that we didn't stop to include them in the process of gathering resources. Going forward with our next driving questions we will make sure to ask our children: "What will we do to find our answer?"
As our inquiry unfolded, and as the children learned more, they started coming up with their own ways to learn about worms. Together we started to co-create with the students other ways to learn about worms beyond what we had planned. For example: the children asked to look closer at worms under the document camera. They also wanted to build terrariums that they had seen when looking at the non-fiction books.
Here is what the children did over the next few weeks to find their answer:
A worm expert from the Compost Education Centre visited our classroom and helped us build our own compost bin.
The children, equiped with shovels, spent the morning outside digging in the garden for worms. They used magnifying glasses and all of their senses to observe and learn more. We charted their discoveries.
In partners, children "read" non-fiction books, put post-it notes on the pages that they found interesting to hold their thinking, and then taught the rest of the class about their findings.
Along the way, as the children have made their discoveries they have been recording their learning to refer back to as they prepare for their presentation at the end of the inquiry.
Before this adventure in PBL, this is where our learning would have ended...they've learned about worms, now we're done! This time around, we are pushing their learning further by asking them to show their learning by making a presentation. Stay tuned for their informative presentations (adorable!)!!
Terra and Corrie