Throughout the school year we will be tackling the general question of:
"How does our garden grow?"
As a way to hook the students and get them excited about getting into the garden, we have done a lot of ground work to provide lots of opportunities for the children to find where their interests lie.
The focus of our initial experiences in the garden was "Getting the garden ready for Winter". The Growing Schools Organization was going to come back and help us harvest seeds for next year, plant some winter crops and put the beds to rest. Before they came though, we needed to collect a few things that we would need for the workshop to help improve the quality of the soil. Growing Schools suggested seaweed, leaves and straw to help put nutrients back into the dirt.
First thing was first: We needed seaweed.
We are so fortunate to have amazing natural resources within walking distance of our school. So on a beautiful sunny October day, all 58 of our Kindergarten children walked the 15 minutes to our local beach. The kids worked together to collect as much seaweed as their bags could hold. What an amazing day it was! We saw cooperation, teamwork, critical thinking, rich vocabulary use, excitement, curiosity and kids just having fun. Our journey into PBL was off to a great start!
A couple of days later the amazing volunteers from Growing Schools came and delivered a fun workshop to the children. The kids learned about the importance of buying local vegetables through an interactive little skit, they learned how to harvest seeds, and they planted some winter barley and peas. The kids also had a chance to spread the seaweed that they collected, along with some leaves and straw, onto the gardens. The kids had a great time spreading it all around, using trowels to turn the seaweed into the soil.
They were fascinated by all of the worms in the garden! You could hear the excitement as child after child found a worm. They were comparing worms, counting worms, wondering where in the garden would be the best place to find a worm, sharing their new discoveries with others, commenting on how the worms felt, helping each other find more worms and...when the bell for recess went, nobody wanted to go play. They all wanted to stay and keep digging in the dirt for more worms!
With our new "PBL listening ears" on, we heard the kids wondering:
"What's with all the worms?"
"Where can we find more worms?"
"Why are they covered in dirt?"
"Why is this worm so fat?"
"How does the worm move?"
"Where is the worm's head?"
"What do woms eat?"
"What do worms do in the winter?"
We've got it! Our kids have given us their first driving question:
"Why are there so many worms in our garden?"
Soon we will all be worm experts!
Terra and Corrie